Magnetic - Inductive Measurement Probe

Magnetic - Inductive Measurement Probe
  • Magnetic - Inductive Measurement Probe
  • Magnetic - Inductive Measurement Probe


NEW! QNix® 8500: Magnetic-Inductive Measurement Probe MI Fe 500 μm
Extension of our modular measurement system QNix® 8500:
A pen shaped probe for precise measurements of particularly thin coatings and smallest parts.

In addition to our standard probes, operating based on the Hall-sensor principle, a magnetic-inductive measurement probe for measurements within a measuring range of 0 to 500 μm is available. Capable of the most precise measurements of non-ferromagnetic coatings, it is especially accurate within the lower measuring range. Designed to measure thin non ferromagnetic metal coatings (such as: chromium, copper, zinc, etc) as well as lacquer, enamel or plastic coatings on steel substrates using the magneticinductive measuring method. Our probes provide measurements in accordance with the DIN EN ISO 2178, ISO 2808 and ASTM B499 standards.

Measure manually or use a measuring stand
Thanks to our pen shape probe manual adjustments on measuring objects are easy to achieve and accurate. For applications demanding highest precision, we recommend mounting the probe on a measuring stand, available with additional sample holders.

Broad Range of applications

Our new probe – the latest modular addition to the QNix® 8500 measurement system – allows for individual customization to conveniently measure thin coatings on small parts.

Product Advantages

  • Designed for manual measurements and the use of stand equipment
  • Proven easy-to-use guided operation of the QNix® 8500 measurement system
  • Magnetic-inductive and (optional) Hall-effect measurement methods can be combined in one gauge
  • Interchangeable probes
  • Individual naming of calibration programs and memory
  • Excellent probe adjustment thanks to the pen shape
  • Rugged probe with stainless steel housing
  •  Digital measurement electronics linked with measuring probe for keeping the zero ballance while interchanging probes
Scope of Supply
  • Measuring probe MI Fe 500 μm
  • Carrying-case (probe case only or together with the QNix® 8500 carrying-case)
  • 2 alignment rings
  • Steel reference plate, circular, 25 mm in diameter
  • Reference foils: ca. 6, 11, 24, 50 μm
  • Certificate
  • Instruction manual
Technical Data:
Measuring Principle Magnetic Measuring Method
Fe: magnetic Priciple (Fe*)
Standards DIN EN ISO 2808, DIN 50981, ISO 2178, BS 5411 (11), BS 3900-C5, ASTM B499, ASTM D 1186, ASTM D 7091
Probe Type Tip QNix® 8500
Measuring Range Fe: 0,0–500 μm
Metric System μm/mil with the QNix 8500 gauge
Measuring Interval 1600 ms
Repetability acc. to Automation Dr.Nix Standards ± (0,1 μm + 0,8% of the measurement value)
Trueness acc. to Automation Dr.Nix Standards ± (0,3 μm + 2% of the measurement value)
Minimum measuring area Diameter: 7,0 mm
Measuring Radius: 3,5 mm (*1)
Minimum curvature convex: 4 mm (*1)
concave: 5 mm (*2)
Minimal Substrate Thickness Fe: 0,4 mm (*1)
Operating Temperature 0 – 50°C (32 – 122°F)
Storage Temperature -10°C – 60°C (14 – 140°F)
Power Supply from gauge QNix 8500
Dimensions (L x W x H in mm) Probe without extensions cable
120 x 12 x 12
Weight approx. 95 g
*Fe Measuring of non-ferromagnetic coatings on ferromagnetic substrate, e.g. measuring on steel- or iron substrates
*1 in regard to a maximum deviation of 10 % of the measurement value at coating thicknesses higher than 1 % of the measuring range.
Measurements on smallest geometrical forms are possible with specific one-point or two-point calibrations.
*2 in regard to the measuring probes geometry

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